A Beautiful Mess

Wednesday, April 15, 2009; 6:24 PM
The Plethora of Exam thoughts.

-I had an Amazing dream the other day, first time i had a dream of conscious literary value, like i was evaluating as i dreamt it, i call it

one day must get down to writing it.

-The other day i did something unexpected, i was talking to steph.
so weird right, but guess i did anyways, and well, i'm glad i did.
She sounds so untainted by exam stress!
anyways. i was envying her for being to go America and dance, and all that jazz,

but i guess she doesn't have it easy either.

being alone overseas is no joke,
i would enjoy it, but at a time when she needs lotsa support,
hmmz, i guess its harder.

guess i can only tell her to enjoy what she can. and dance it all out! haha..

-ARRRGH. Prof Angela gave me a B+ All because my grammar was off! That is like the dumbest thing i could do to myself! like i said to Damien, just have to do better in Exams!

-Thank you Damien for studying with me. really, mugging for Lit is not the same without you.

-OMFG!!!!! i slept the day away!!!!!!!!!!!! and tml i have an exam!!!! this means no sleep for naughty apple tonight!!!!

And apple can do it!!!!! its memory and vomitting time!!!!!


Why did i just roar.

Canteen Five Uncle says ppl drop hair cos think too much.
maybe i really do think think too much.

on an excess of intellectual processes,
My Plethora of Exam Thoughts

posted by Apple Bapok



Hi, welcome to my blog, a place i don't visit often, but i know is there. a place i wish i had more time for. and everytime i come, i leave big parts of myself here. so if you want to know more about me, you've come to the right place.. cheers ^-^


  • To get first class honours in LIT.
  • spend time with my mummy.
  • Fall in love.

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    • 116.5 (140907)

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    {Moi frens!}