Never mind, that i have to take it all, never mind that i've been working like a slave, that i've always been there always, that i've been dilligent, and pious. THAT i don't take offs and leaves. that you come up with stupid ideas, and directions, that i have to protect you when everyone questions you. that you don't give me recognition, just more work. More, and more, and then when your shit hits the fan. you say its because i didnt do it.
Seriously Henry, aren't you ashamed?
and when the shit hits the fan of course anyone can scream and say they want it fixed. but who does it?
Me, just me.
because somehow somewhere i let you.
Stupid Boss.
posted by Apple Bapok
Hi, welcome to my blog, a place i don't visit often, but i know is there. a place i wish i had more time for. and everytime i come, i leave big parts of myself here. so if you want to know more about me, you've come to the right place.. cheers ^-^
To get first class honours in LIT.
spend time with my mummy.
Fall in love.
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{Moi frens!}